Nest Audio review: A better body for Google’s Assistant with OK sound

Nest Audio review: A better body for Google’s Assistant with OK sound
Google Nest Audio
The Good
Affordable • Compact • Beautiful design • Improved audio quality • Seamless connectivity • Less muffled sound
The Bad
Not for the audiophile • Sound quality could be better • Not waterproof
The Bottom Line
At just under $100, Google's Nest Audio is an excellent and affordable choice if you're the type who values smart home controls over top notch audio quality.
⚡ Mashable Score 4.25
😎 Cool Factor 4.0
📘Learning Curve 5.0
💪Performance 4.0
💵Bang for the Buck 4.5

Since its launch in 2016, Google Home has evolved from a glorified speaker with an inbuilt voice assistant to a full-blown smart home hub. It can now read off your daily schedule and even start your coffee machine before you get out of bed. But its growth over the years has been on the software side of things. Before Google introduced its new and rebranded Nest Audio smart speaker last week, the device's design had remained completely untouched for four years. Read more...

More about Google, Google Assistant, Smart Speakers, Nest Audio, and Tech

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