These interactive tutorials can help you write your very first lines of code

These interactive tutorials can help you write your very first lines of code

TL;DR: Jump into the world of programming with the Interactive Learn to Code bundle for $29.99, a 73% savings as of Sept. 5. 

You already know how beneficial it is to learn to code, but it's not exactly something you can jump into blindly and pick up in a day. There's a reason programmers and developers are paid the big bucks — it ain't easy. But choosing the right method for learning and studying can make all the difference in how quickly you catch on. You could read a textbook over and over and understand coding in theory, but never quite figure out how to do it yourself. Or, there's a better option — learning to code by actually writing code of your own. Read more...

More about Coding, Programming, Online Learning, Javascript, and Mashable Shopping

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