Gaudí designed a church like no other in the 19th century. But it's 21st century tech that will see it finished.

Gaudí designed a church like no other in the 19th century. But it's 21st century tech that will see it finished.

La Sagrada Família is considered among the most beautiful buildings in the world, even though only about half of Antoni Gaudí's original plan is complete. 

Thanks to incredible strides in technology, like computer-controlled bandsaws that cut stone to any shape, and ingenious engineering solutions, like using prefabrication to make the towers earthquake-resistant, the world will soon marvel at the final version of Gaudí's architectural masterpiece.

This video is part of a series on innovative design and technology, sponsored by Microsoft 365. Read more...

More about Mashable Video, Architecture, Barcelona, La Sagrada Familia, and Gaudi

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