Why choose a stock image yourself when this robot can do it for you?

Why choose a stock image yourself when this robot can do it for you?

TL;DR: Get help finding exactly what you're looking for with a lifetime subscription to JumpStory's Authentic Stock Photography for $99.99, a 95% savings, as of May 6.

Stock photography is typically categorized into two camps: overly specific images that no one understands, or truly bizarre photos that make their way into the internet meme cycle (distracted boyfriend meme, anyone?). If you're a marketer using stock photos to create digital assets, you'll be hard-pressed to find quality shots that won't become a laughing stock on the unforgiving world that is the internet.

Except, of course, if you step back and put the robots in charge (aka use JumpStory™ Authentic Stock Photography). Read more...

More about Ai, Stock Photography, Mashable Shopping, Tech, and Consumer Tech

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