Techommendation of the week: Games in Houseparty

Techommendation of the week: Games in Houseparty

While socializing in quarantine, we're all the MacGyvers of finding stuff to do. Trying to play a game with friends remotely becomes a challenge in itself to position cameras, laptops, and smartphones in such a way that everyone can hear and see the board, deck, beer pong table, or screen. Often, by the time you get all set up, you've lost the steam and enthusiasm to play at all.

That's why I'm here to recommend the games in the video chat app Houseparty. If you haven't used Houseparty before, it's like a video chat with a social feed. Open the app, and you'll be able to see who's "available." The app will also display if you have friends video chatting, so you can kind of crash into a hang without being called or invited yourself (Get it? Like a house party!). Read more...

More about Games, Apps And Software, Houseparty, Tech, and Web Culture

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