Buy a 4-pack of Tile trackers on sale and get a free Google Nest Mini
TL;DR: Tile's current 4-pack deals include popular Bluetooth trackers like the Mate, Sticker, and Slim, essentially allowing you to get a tracker for free. As of May 8, each 4-pack comes with a free Google Nest Mini.
One may think that leaving the house, like, once a week would cut down the number of times we misplace personal items. But don't worry: Losing the Fire TV Stick or AirPods case that you just had is one part of normal life that has stuck around.
Once you experience how much easier life is when all of your stuff has a Bluetooth tracker, you'll wonder how you ever lived without itTile has slashed the prices on a few 4-pack combos, which basically score you the fourth tracker in your bundle for free (rather than purchasing each one separately). For a limited time, Tile will throw a free Google Nest Mini in with any purchase of a 4-pack. Read more...
More about Gift Ideas, Google Nest, Mashable Shopping, Tile, and Techtech technology tech news technology news latest technology news new technology latest technology latest tech news technews technology news today tech news today technical news new technologies technology websites tech websites May 08, 2020 at 09:09PM
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